Each of our services are delivered by Purdue University trained Registered Nurse, Diane Chuprun. Her work experience includes 25 years in ICU/CCU and PCU. She has been a Nationally Certified RN Injector since 2013.

Popular services include: Lip Filler, Cheek Filler, Mid-Face Filler, Chin Filler and Jawline Contouring.  Also, various Intradermal Fillers for deep Nasolabial Folds, Marionette Lines, Facial Lines … and more! We also offer Vitamin Injections and Fat Dissolution options.


Dermal Fillers

Here at Young Again Cosmetic Injections, we are known for our lips! Diane’s special technique has been cultivated over years in business. The end result leaves our clients raving!

Diane proudly coined the phrase

“Baby Plump Up”! which is Lips+ .6 ml (10% more Hyaluronic Acid) in the syringe.

This option adds volume when filler starts to dissipate, is the perfect form of maintenance or is great for a first timer. The “Baby Plump Up” creates impact with subtle volume.

Cosmetically injected Dermal Fillers (Hyaluronic Acid) are injected in different areas of the face to diminish or eliminate skin wrinkling and fine lines. Facial fillers can also help to correct scarring, and add collagen lost from aging. Additionally, HA Fillers promote skin elasticity, hydration and rejuvenation to help you look…

“Young Again!”



BOTOX™ is an FDA approved product to promote youthful looking skin, by temporarily eliminating fine lines and skin wrinkles. This treatment can be applied in different areas to help combat popular troublesome appearances like the “eleven” lines, marionette lines and more.

Important information to know about BOTOX™

It can take up to 14 days after treatment for your BOTOX™ injection to be fully set. Patients typically experience it’s peak performance around the 6 week mark. After 6 weeks the effects start to slowly dissipate. While BOTOX™ can last 3-4 months, most patients notice that it has worn off around 90 days.



Jeuveau, a next-generation neuromodulator, is expertly designed to target and diminish the most stubborn wrinkles and fine lines. With precision and care, Injector Diane delivers tailored Jeuveau treatments, promising a smoother, vibrant, and youthful appearance with minimal downtime.

Jeuveau begins to set in 48 hours after injections. It is fully set by 10-12 days and should last up to 90 days or more. This depends on one’s internal metabolism. 

Embrace a youthful refreshed look, and restored confidence with Jeuveau!

Cheek Lifting

Defy gravity with our unique approach to lifting your cheeks! A “liquid face lift” that takes 10 years off your face! Smile brighter, and face the world with a youthful confidence with this procedure. This popular treatment really helps turn back the clock.

Diane uses a variety in dermal filler to help you achieve your desired result.


Jawline contouring/Chin filler

If genetics dealt you a poor hand in the jawline department, we can reverse that! Injector Diane typically uses both Kybella® and fillers to sculpt that jawline and chin you desire. Kybella® is a form of Deoxycholic Acid, which is injected with lidocaine in small areas. Kybella® will tighten the skin under the chin to give you a more sculpted look!

*Requires consultation.


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